Monday, October 25, 2010

Under Blue Moon Market Stall Saturday 30th October

Hello Again!

Under the Blue Moon Market

This Saturday will have a stall at the Under the Blue Moon Market selling Punk Clown range. Stall will be in outside area beside The Hub near Newtown Station. So come along, enjoy the wild fun, the people watching and call by to say hello. You will have an amazing day and it would be great to see you there! More Punk Clown items have been added to the blog so scroll through earlier posts to take a look at what's on offer. Here's a link to the website for the market -

Bonded - Physical Theatre Piece

Also wanted to let local Illawarra people know that the Physical Theatre piece "Bonded" that I am part of will be on next Thursday 4th November at 7pm at Wollongong City Gallery as part of Viva la Gong. It is an aerial performance inspired by women retrenched from the Bonds and King Gee factories in Wollongong so come and see us fly through the air, sewing as we go!

Eco and Handmade Xmas Gifts

Am in the middle of producing eco and handmade xmas pressies for the upcoming festive back to the blog soon for info on what they are, where you can get them and photos!

Like what you see but can't get to the markets? Email me at and we can arrange delivery right to your door!

Hope to see you soon!

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