Monday, November 22, 2010


Choclo inspirational business selling sportswear that supports an orphanage in up for selection for the HOTTEST BRAND Award which is put on each year by ISPO (one of the biggest and most prestigious Sports Trade Shows in the world) in Munich, Germany. Voting is part of the selection process and right now the wonderful Roland who heads up Choclo needs all the help he can get. It is very simple to vote and all you have to do is click on LIKE at:

...that is IF
you like it!

There is a video at the link that tells you all about Choclo. It is a wonderful business that really cares about making a difference. Oh...and the products are amazing too!

Needing a photo for this entry, have put up a shot from the theatre production that I was in with Nicolas Nunez and the Taller de Investigacion Teatral called "Caceria de estrellas" hunting...somehow seemed appropriate!

Keep shining!

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